The Unexpected Bathroom Break
Have you seen Inside Out 2? I absolutely love it! For the past 15 years, I’ve been obsessed with how the mind works, our emotions, beliefs, and self-concept and this movie captures these concepts-including the dynamics of fear- brilliantly. So, when I had to rush to the bathroom for an explosive bowel movement, I was pretty surprised. Sorry, I know, too much information. But bear with me; there’s a reason for this overshare.
Like anyone, when something like this happens, my first thought is whether I ate something that upset my stomach. Maybe the butter in the eggs benedict was too much? But I’ve eaten it before with no problem. Perhaps it was the matcha tea I had afterward that did me in. Yet deep down, I knew the truth—diarrhea is my body’s cue for fear. But what could have caused this fear? For the moment, I rubbed some Zengest essential oil blend on my tummy and continued with my day.
The Quiz That Triggered More Than Fear
Not long after, I was scrolling through Facebook when I stumbled upon an archetype quiz for coaches. It piqued my curiosity—quizzes like these always amaze me with how accurate they feel, even when it’s hard to choose between the options. And then, like clockwork, my bowels were at it again. What the heck?!
That night, I fell asleep early and had vivid, nonsensical dreams, though I could not recall them. Upon waking, I saw my body cue again. I couldn’t ignore it any longer, so, back to bed, I went to talk with my body.
Discovering the Root Cause: My Body Speaks
I quickly slipped into a body scan, and just as quickly, I understood my fear.
Of course, it made perfect sense: Inside Out 2 and the quiz results were triggering something deeper in me. Reflecting on the movie, there’s a struggle between anxiety and joy, each trying to influence Riley’s sense of self. Furthermore, by the end, joy realizes that our sense of self includes all sides of our shadows, not just the positive parts. This duality within us isn’t bad—it’s necessary.
Similarly, the quiz results highlighted a duality in my personality, something I’ve known for years. My daughter even created an image of me with angel wings and a lion’s tail to capture my nature. But despite knowing this, I was still struggling with how it played out in my life and work.
The body scan, made me realize that one of my disruptive beliefs was the cause of this struggle—the belief that I have to go without, that I can’t have what I truly want. This dichotomy within me highlighted my fear. In particular, I struggled to balance these two aspects of myself, yet each time I leaned in one direction, the other side suffered.
The body scan reminded me: “I don’t have to choose.” The problem wasn’t the existence of the two sides but my belief that I had to pick one. Both could exist side-by-side, and I needed to embrace that truth.
Reframing Fear and Moving Forward
I ended the body scan with reframed power thoughts and felt lighter. My back was stiff, so I trusted my intuition and followed up with some yoga. Backbends and twists are great for releasing old energy, so I did poses such as Child’s Pose, Thread the Needle, and some side bends. I know these aren’t their official names, but that’s how my mind relates to them.
With a fresh perspective, I grabbed a ginger and lemon tea and started my day anew.
Embracing Your Unique Journey
The moral of this story? Each of us is unique. We are the sum of our experiences, amplified through our emotions. Some of these emotions shape our beliefs and sense of self. To nurture ourselves requires self-awareness, self-love, and wisdom.
Don’t assume my balance is your balance. Sure, for a small percentage, it might be. But for most, you have your own story to unravel. I hope that by sharing mine, I help you connect to a deeper awareness and motivate you to align with your true self.
Next Steps for Your Journey
If my story stirs some curiosity and amplifies your desire to overcome fear, I invite you to explore some next steps:
1. Ease and Awareness: A Guided Body Scan for Mindful Living – a free e-book with an audio recording of a body scan.
2. Free Mindfulness Resources– for meditation, chakra alignment, and self-awareness.
3. Join My Facebook Community – where I share inspiration and tips.
4. Fear Unravelled– a coaching guide to expand on essential mindfulness tools.
5. The Authentic Success Blueprint – your navigation compass, designed to shorten your personal development journey.
6. One-to-One Core Clarity Consulting Sessions – for individualized support.
You’ve probably heard the quote: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” I believe in synchronicity, and if you’ve made it this far, I trust that my story has left you with something to reflect on. I look forward to guiding you on your journey.

Leanne Giavedoni is a Transformation Coach and Spiritual Mentor helping you uncover the root of your challenges, break free from negative patterns, and navigate life’s transitions with clarity, purpose, and ease. Through her intuitive approach, she bridges traditional and metaphysical concepts to guide you toward a life of alignment, fulfillment, and lasting success.
Leanne is the author of the coaching guide “Fear Unravelled: Transform Your Thinking and Manifest the Abundant Life You Deserve” and the creator of the “Authentic Success Blueprint.”